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وكالة أناضول والحوار مع البرفسور علي شيخ احمد

وتنظيم مؤتمر صومالي في تركيا بتمويل ذاتي لأول مرة، بعد أن دأبت تركيا على التمويل.أكد أن جامعة مقديشو ستفتتح قسما...
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The distinguished Prof. Dr. Ali Sheikh Ahmed delivered a captivating lecture titled “Life is a Teacher”.

The Union of Mogadishu University Students (UMUS), in collaboration with DAD, hosted a captivating lecture titled "Life is a teacher,"...
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Prof Ali Sheikh Ahmed, visited the Al Imam Al-Nawawi School in Bosaso.

Prof Ali Sheikh Ahmed emphasized the importance of education in gaining knowledge, critical thinking skills, and making a positive impact...
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Prof Ali Sheikh Ahmed, attended the launch of a new institute for research and innovation at Red Sea University in Bosaso.

Professor Ali Sheikh Ahmed, General Director of the East Africa Association for Research and Development, attended the launch of a...
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Prof Dr. Ali Participated in the 12th graduation ceremony at RU in Bosaso, Putland State, Somalia.

Prof. Ali Sheikh Ahmed, director of the East Africa Association for Research and Development, participated in the twelfth graduation ceremony...
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Jidka Nabadda

Arboco, July 07, 2010 Ummad ciil u dhiman oo          Cabsi wayn u dheertahay Calankeed waxaa sida             Caqli gaab  indhala’ oo Maqalkiisu culus yahay            Kana qaday...
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Faallo akhris “U SAHAMI ADOON RARIN.” W/Q: Jaabir Carab

Hordhac Professor Ali Sheikh waxa uu wax ku bartay dalka Saudi Arabia, halkaas uu illa heerka darajarada PhD kaga qadatay...
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Somali-Turkish Partnership: Stepping Forward

Dr. Ali`s Opening Remarks Distinguished ministers, diplomats, media representatives, academics, businessmen, representatives from chambers of commerce, executives and all attendees....
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Dr Ali Sheikh Ahmed -University of Mogadishu Visits UOB

Dr Ali Sheikh Ahmed -University of Mogadishu Visits UOB Dr Ali Sheikh Ahmed, one of the founders of the University...
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Prof. Dr. Ali Sheikh Ahmed Visits JUST University

Prof. Dr. Ali Sheikh Ahmed, the general director of the East Africa Association for Development and Research (DAD) and co-founder...
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العمل التطوعي في المفهوم الإسلامي

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ضيف وقضية. مقابلة قناة الجزيرة مع الدكتور علي الشيح احمد

..التعليم في الصومال في ظل سنوات من عدم الاستقرار التعليم في الصومال في ظل سنوات من عدم الاستقرار مدى تأثر...
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